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Fizen sp. z o.o. is a licensed entity with an entry in the AISP register obtained from the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF), enabling the provision of the account information access service (AIS).
The offered FIZEN API solution enables business customers, with the consent of the account owner, to gain access to banking data in a standardised form. To do this, FIZEN API requires the consent of the account owner in the interface of the bank from which the data are to be made available. To perform this operation, FIZEN provides WIDGET FIZEN that can be placed on the page in the form of an iframe.
In addition, Fizen enables access to the technology of the Payment Initiation Service (PIS) for the entities who own a PISP licence using their production certificates.
Access to API
Access to FIZEN API is secured with two-step authentication:
API KEY and TOKEN – these are confidential values provided by FIZEN that enable identification and connection with the FIZEN API infrastructure. The apiKey and token value are required with each request to the FIZEN API. The value should be placed in the request header as an apiKey and token.
IP ADDRESS – is the source of each request to the FIZEN API. Each query should be sent from a server with one public IP ADDRESS. Before starting the production use of FIZEN API, you must provide the IP ADDRESS of the server from which requests will be sent to FIZEN API. In the case of FIZEN API SANDBOX tests, the IP address is not verified.
For full communication with API FIZEN, we will also ask you to provide the url address to which we transfer the following parameters:
, userId
, bankId
, accounts[accountId]
, dateTime
, userId
, bankId
, paymentStatus
, amount
, userId
, dateTime
Initiation of AIS and PIS process
Initiation of services for AIS and PIS are based on the authorization of the user consent granted in the bank interface for access to the bank account. PIS initiation is based on initiating and authorising domestic payment for the retail account. Access to the service is available from the API or WIDGET level.
FIZEN API, with the account owner's consent, grants access to a variety of account types, including retail, company, and corporate accounts. It offers a comprehensive suite of features, such as domestic payments, future-dated payments, express transactions, bundled services, and recurring payments, all of which are provided for major commercial banks.
Czech Republic:
FIZEN WIDGET enables the complementary service of the end user by enabling the transfer of consent in the banking interface for access to data from the account.
The process of giving consent by the user in the banking interface using FIZEN WIDGET is as follows:
Before the production connection, Fizen enables access to the test environment, which is connected to real banking environments in sandbox mode. The environment allows you to fully download the test information about the user's account in order to test our technology. When using FIZEN SANDBOX, access to FIZEN WIDGET and FIZEN API is given.
FIZEN API (sandbox) url address:
To ensure the best possible user experience, we decided to make the following banks available in the test environment:
Normal working hours for the sandbox environment are from 8 AM to 6 PM UTC Time. Outside of these hours, the environment enters a napping state. If you decide to interact with it during non-operational hours, the environment will require 2 to 5 minutes to start up after the initial interaction.
Test Data for bank sandboxes is available here
In order to obtain access, apiKey and a token, please contact us at
FIZEN API Production
In order to switch and gain access to the production FIZEN API environment, a request should be made by e-mail to along with the information about the IP ADDRESS that will be used to communicate with FIZEN API. After obtaining approval, the values of apiKey and a token will be sent to grant the establishment of production communication with the FIZEN API.
Securing your scripts from potentially suspicious calls is advised. To achieve this, consider implementing IP address filtering for incoming connections.
You should be aware of the IP address ranges associated with Fizen servers:
Sandbox environment
Production environment
The following table defines the lifetimes for the state depending on the type of operation
operation | lifetime |
AIS | 200 days |
PIS_DOMESTIC | 30 days |
PIS_EXPRESS | 30 days |
PIS_FUTURE | executionDate + 30 days |
CANCEL_PAYMENT | 30 days |
PIS_RECURRING | endDate + 30 days |
PIS_BUNDLE | latest executionDate + 30 days |
Whenever the process of authorizing an account or ordering a transaction is successfully completed, information about it will be sent to a pre-configured endpoints with the help of the POST method.
To ensure correct communication via the POST method, three return addresses need to be configured:
Return address for the AIS service - dedicated for successful responses for account information access operations.
Return address for the PIS service - dedicated to handling successful responses for payment initialisation.
Return address for error handling - common to the AIS and PIS services, used when errors occur.
Each of these addresses should be configured individually to ensure the correct operation of the respective processes.
Once the operation is successful, the following parameters are transferred via POST endpoints:
For AIS Service:
parameter | description |
state | A unique identifier used to maintain the state between the authorization request and the callback. Ensures the integrity of the flow. |
userId | The unique identifier of the user initiating the AIS request. It helps the system identify and authenticate the specific user accessing account data. |
bankId | The identifier of the bank selected by the user. Specifies which bank's account information is being accessed. |
accounts | A list of account identifiers (IBANs or other account numbers) requested by the user for access. |
For PIS Service:
parameter | description |
state | A unique identifier used to maintain the state between the authorization request and the callback. Ensures the integrity of the flow. |
userId | The unique identifier of the user initiating the AIS request. It helps the system identify and authenticate the specific user accessing account data. |
bankId | The identifier of the bank selected by the user. Specifies which bank's account information is being accessed. |
paymentStatus | The current status of the payment process. Indicates whether the payment is pending, completed, failed, or in progress. |
amount | The total amount of the payment to be processed, typically provided in the format of a decimal value with currency. |
executionDate | (Optional) The date on which the payment is scheduled to be executed. Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
The above parameters are necessary to complete the operation under the selected service.
Parameters transfer takes place in the following way:
POST method - parameters are sent into the endpoint prepared on the client side. The endpoint has to take the following data structure:
AIS service:
"state": "ExAmPlEsTaT-5e83-11ed-a320-856ce1faa777",
"userId": "exampleUserId",
"bankId": "exampleBankId",
"accounts": [
"accountId": "ExampleAccountIIVzdweGpkUS95OTNnOTdxMXZrOEk0QjUwOU1tU2iMA=="
"accountId": "ExampleAccountIS9INW53c2k0M2g1cHFiN3pSWlRpKVFg0TWl1bFBncQ=="
PIS service:
"state": "ExAmPlEsTaTece1a4cb6-5e83-11ed-a320-856ce1faa777"
"userId": "exampleUserId",
"bankId": "exampleBankId",
"paymentStatus": "examplePaymentStatus",
"amount": "0.01",
Possible Payment Statuses:
Status | Description |
Submitted | The payment has been successfully submitted and is awaiting execution. |
Scheduled | The payment is scheduled for a future date and awaits the specified date. |
Pending | The payment is pending further verification or approval before execution. |
InProgress | The recurring payment is correctly defined and executed according to the schedule or Bundle payments include at least one transaction with a future date (applies to FIZEN API). |
RECURRING_PLANNED | The recurring payment is correctly defined and executed according to the schedule (applies to FIZEN PAY). |
Cancelled | The payment has been canceled by the user or the system before execution. |
Rejected | The payment has been rejected and will not be executed. |
Done | The payment has been successfully executed and recorded in the recipient's account. |
FizenPay is a payment page hosted by Fizen where users complete all the steps of the payment process: selecting the customer's bank, initializing the payment process, and redirecting to the bank service to allow the user to complete the payment. Payment is initiated through a dedicated endpoint, through this endpoint payment parameters are provided.
The payment process begins with the generating of a payment link.
The user clicks on the link and is redirected to a panel to select the bank from which he wants to make the payment.
Once the payment is approved at the bank, the user is redirected to a screen with the status of the payment. Finally on the page we are expected to see a green status, which means that the payment was successful. Red x at the end means that payment failed. Once the final status is received, it also sends feedback to the addresses provided earlier.
To start working with the payment gateway it is necessary to generate the access keys for this purpose contact us. In the next step it is necessary to create a transaction by executing api endpoint.
This endpoint allows to init payment process via Fizen Pay service. Initiating the payment process, it is necessary to provide some key information about the payment as well as information for subsequent payment processing like userId, callBack address. It is also possible to provide information about the recipient through the body parameters. The important thing is that if you want to specify them, you must specify all three.e.g. recipientName, recipientAddress, recipientAccountNumber
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
transferTitle required | string([a-zA-Z0-9ęóąśłżźćńĘÓĄŚŁŻŹĆŃ\_\-\s\.\,\:\/])... A unique identifier or reference for the transfer, such as an order number. |
amount required | string\d+\.\d{2} The amount to be transferred, formatted as a string (e.g., "420.69"). |
userId required | string([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\s\.\:\/]){5,200} The identifier associated with the user initiating the transfer (e.g., "USER_69420"). |
callbackSuccess required | stringhttps\:\/\/.* The callback URL for a successful transaction. |
callbackFailure required | stringhttps\:\/\/.* The callback URL for a failed transaction. |
recipientName | string([a-zA-Z0-9ęóąśłżźćńĘÓĄŚŁŻŹĆŃ\_\-\s\.\,\:\/])... The name of the recipient (optional). |
recipientAddress | string([a-zA-Z0-9ęóąśłżźćńĘÓĄŚŁŻŹĆŃ\_\-\s\.\,\:\/])... The address of the recipient (optional). |
recipientAccountNumber | string[A-Z]{2}\d{26} The account number of the recipient (optional). |
{- "transferTitle": "string",
- "amount": "string",
- "userId": "string",
- "callbackSuccess": "string",
- "callbackFailure": "string",
- "recipientName": "string",
- "recipientAddress": "string",
- "recipientAccountNumber": "string"
This endpoint allows to init recurring payment process via Fizen Pay service. Initiating the recurring payment process, it is necessary to provide some key information about the payment as well as information for subsequent payment processing like userId, callback address, It is also possible to provide information about the recipient through the body parameters. The important thing is that if you want to specify them, you must specify all three.e.g. recipientName, recipientAddress, recipientAccountNumber
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
transferTitle required | string([a-zA-Z0-9ęóąśłżźćńĘÓĄŚŁŻŹĆŃ\_\-\s\.\,\:\/])... A unique identifier or reference for the transfer, such as an order number. |
amount required | string\d+\.\d{2} The amount to be transferred, formatted as a string (e.g., "42.59"). |
period required | stringMONTH Enum: "YEAR" "MONTH" "WEEK" The payment frequency, formatted as an enum ("YEAR","MONTH", "WEEK"). |
startDate required | string\d+\.\d{2} A date the recurring payment start, formatted as a string (e.g., "2024-10-10"). |
endDate required | string <date-time> \d+\.\d{2} A date the recurring payment end, formatted as a string (e.g., "2025-10-10"). |
userId required | string([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\s\.\:\/]){5,200} The identifier associated with the user initiating the transfer (e.g., "USER_69420"). |
callbackSuccess required | stringhttps\:\/\/.* The callback URL for a successful transaction. |
callbackFailure required | stringhttps\:\/\/.* The callback URL for a failed transaction. |
recipientName | string([a-zA-Z0-9ęóąśłżźćńĘÓĄŚŁŻŹĆŃ\_\-\s\.\,\:\/])... The name of the recipient (optional). |
recipientAddress | string([a-zA-Z0-9ęóąśłżźćńĘÓĄŚŁŻŹĆŃ\_\-\s\.\,\:\/])... The address of the recipient (optional). |
recipientAccountNumber | string[A-Z]{2}\d{26} The account number of the recipient (optional). |
linkExpirationDays | integer [ 1 .. 7 ] The number of days the link remains valid, after which the link expires. |
{- "transferTitle": "string",
- "amount": "string",
- "period": "YEAR",
- "startDate": "string",
- "endDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "userId": "string",
- "callbackSuccess": "string",
- "callbackFailure": "string",
- "recipientName": "string",
- "recipientAddress": "string",
- "recipientAccountNumber": "string",
- "linkExpirationDays": 3
This endpoint allows to init express payment process via Fizen Pay service. Initiating the payment process, it is necessary to provide some key information about the payment as well as information for subsequent payment processing like userId, callBack address. It is also possible to provide information about the recipient through the body parameters. The important thing is that if you want to specify them, you must specify all three.e.g. recipientName, recipientAddress, recipientAccountNumber
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
transferTitle required | string([a-zA-Z0-9ęóąśłżźćńĘÓĄŚŁŻŹĆŃ\_\-\s\.\,\:\/])... A unique identifier or reference for the transfer, such as an order number. |
amount required | string\d+\.\d{2} The amount to be transferred, formatted as a string (e.g., "420.69"). |
userId required | string([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\s\.\:\/]){5,200} The identifier associated with the user initiating the transfer (e.g., "USER_69420"). |
callbackSuccess required | stringhttps\:\/\/.* The callback URL for a successful transaction. |
callbackFailure required | stringhttps\:\/\/.* The callback URL for a failed transaction. |
recipientName | string([a-zA-Z0-9ęóąśłżźćńĘÓĄŚŁŻŹĆŃ\_\-\s\.\,\:\/])... The name of the recipient (optional). |
recipientAddress | string([a-zA-Z0-9ęóąśłżźćńĘÓĄŚŁŻŹĆŃ\_\-\s\.\,\:\/])... The address of the recipient (optional). |
recipientAccountNumber | string[A-Z]{2}\d{26} The account number of the recipient (optional). |
{- "transferTitle": "string",
- "amount": "string",
- "userId": "string",
- "callbackSuccess": "string",
- "callbackFailure": "string",
- "recipientName": "string",
- "recipientAddress": "string",
- "recipientAccountNumber": "string"
A list of available banks for AIS and PIS services along with redirecting to the chosen bank interface
List of available banks to authorise a consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS)
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
operationType required | string Enum: "AIS" "PIS_DOMESTIC" "PIS_RECURRING" "PIS_BUNDLE" "PIS_EXPRESS" "PIS_FUTURE" Example: AIS Specify service to access. |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'operationType: AIS' \
{- "banks": [
- {
- "bankId": "alior",
- "bankName": "Alior Bank",
- "apiVersion": "v3_0.1",
- "health": true,
- "senderAccount": true,
- "active": true
FIZEN API for AIS, or Account Information Service, provides individuals with access to information about their payment accounts. With AIS, you can conveniently monitor the real-time status of your finances through various third-party applications. This service empowers users to gain a holistic view of their financial transactions and balances, making it easier to manage their financial affairs and make informed decisions about their money. AIS is a key component of PSD2 (Payment Services Directive 2), promoting financial transparency and enhancing the user's ability to leverage innovative financial tools and services.
The process of gaining access to the user's account begins with the generation of redirect URL to the bank's interface, where the user can grant consent for access to their account information. After successfully completing the bank's process the user will be redirected to the specified redirect URL,and a callback with the relevant data will be sent.
redirectUri required | string Example: The address of the page to which the user will be redirected after completing the data sharing authorization process |
bankId required | string Example: alior Bank identifier the user will authorize consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) |
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
userId | string Example: 432532453425 The ID of the end user who agreed to provide access to the account information. ID generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN. |
ip | string Example: End user IP address |
agent | string Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.96 Safari/537.36 A browser agent that identifies the end user browser and operating system. |
limitedScope required | boolean Example: true Value informs whether access to the account will be limited to basic data. |
curl --request GET \ --url '{bankId}/initiate/{redirectUri}' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'userId: 123' \ --header 'ip:' \ --header 'agent: My Agent 1.0' \ --header 'limitedScope: true' \
{- "state": "44cbcvb6-f6c8-11ee-test-1bedccc3f6d2",
- "userId": "Fizen",
- "bankId": "mbank",
- "accounts": [
- {
- "accountId": "TDBrRUhnT1cASDASD23423432443243254534534lcjUDASDASDasdsdadaRTMk10NVI3b25UUQ=="
}, - {
- "accountId": "c2xYNVhldWpVUUdtbS9INW53c2k0M2FSDADSDAFApc2pVVmZUQ2k1WXRCd1pKVFg0TWl1bFBncQ=="
This endpoint allows obtaining detailed information about the user's account for which they have previously granted consent, including information such as account owner, account number, account currency, available account balance, and account description.
accountId required | string Example: VmhJQ0lKSHBKcEJ4TXByNHE2U3BKMG1SU3JXYStFVXBISDdCQUhLaHJXcz0= The bank account ID to which the end user has consented to provide access to the account information. One of the values necessary to query information about an account |
bankId required | string Example: alior Bank identifier the user will authorize consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) |
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
state required | string Example: d2b75e70-c735-13ed-9018-4510c14d98bc The value generated when starting the linking process for the particular bank interface to authorize consent to retrieve the account information (AIS service) |
curl --request GET \ --url '{bankId}/account/{accountId}' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'state: d2b75e70-c135-11ed-9018-4510c14d98vc' \
- "userId": 432532453425,
- "details": {
- "nameAddress": "Jan Kowalski, ul. Malinowa 12, Warszawa",
- "accountNumber": "PL47105000282100002303150001",
- "currency": "PL",
- "availableBalance": "11012.34",
- "bookingBalance": "15112.34",
- "accountDescription": "current account",
- "accountId": "ExampleAccountIIVzdweGpkUS95OTNnOTdxMXZrOEk0QjUwOU1tU2iMA=="
This endpoint enables access to the transaction history for a specific account number for which consent has been obtained previously.
accountId required | string Example: VmhJQ0lKSHBKcEJ4TXByNHE2U3BKMG1SU3JXYStFVXBISDdCQUhLaHJXcz0= The bank account ID to which the end user has consented to provide access to the account information. One of the values necessary to query information about an account |
bankId required | string Example: alior Bank identifier the user will authorize consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) |
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
state required | string Example: d2b75e70-c735-13ed-9018-4510c14d98bc The value generated when starting the linking process for the particular bank interface to authorize consent to retrieve the account information (AIS service) |
curl --request GET \ --url '{bankId}/account/{accountId}/transactions' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'state: d2b75e70-c135-11ed-9018-4510c14d98vc' \
- "userId": 432532453425,
- "transactions": [
- {
- "id": "Credit card technical account",
- "description": "Payment for order number 3456",
- "status": "DONE",
- "category": "CREDIT",
- "type": "TRANSFER",
- "amount": "0.99",
- "tradeDate": "2025-01-17",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "sender": {
- "accountNumber": "PL47105000282100002303150001",
- "nameAddress": "John Werner, Berliner street 12, London"
}, - "recipient": {
- "accountNumber": "PL47105000282100002303150001",
- "nameAddress": "John Werner, Berliner street 12, London"
This service provides a transparent way to access the user's identity by leveraging the granted consent for account access. It provides a field containing crucial information, such as the user's name and address, for precise user identification.
accountId required | string Example: VmhJQ0lKSHBKcEJ4TXByNHE2U3BKMG1SU3JXYStFVXBISDdCQUhLaHJXcz0= The bank account ID to which the end user has consented to provide access to the account information. One of the values necessary to query information about an account |
bankId required | string Example: alior Bank identifier the user will authorize consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) |
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
state required | string Example: d2b75e70-c735-13ed-9018-4510c14d98bc The value generated when starting the linking process for the particular bank interface to authorize consent to retrieve the account information (AIS service) |
curl --request GET \ --url '{bankId}/kyc/{accountId}' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'state: d2b75e70-c135-11ed-9018-4510c14d98vc' \
- "userId": 432532453425,
- "nameAddress": "Agata Nowak ul. Astrów 12/1 40-748 Katowice"
FIZEN's Domestic Payment Services are responsible for processing domestic payments.
In this context, a domestic payment refers to a financial transaction in which funds are transferred from one bank account to another within the same country or a specific geographical region, typically using the local currency. These payments serve various purposes, including bill payments, transferring money to family and friends, making purchases, and settling financial obligations within the same country or region. It's important to distinguish domestic payments from international payments, which involve the transfer of funds between bank accounts located in different countries, often requiring currency conversion and compliance with international banking regulations.
It's important to highlight that payments initiated and approved by users through their banking service cannot be canceled. This guarantees the successful delivery of payments, ensuring that once a user authorizes a transaction, it will be executed as scheduled. This assurance contributes to the reliability and trustworthiness of the domestic payment service, giving users peace of mind regarding the arrival of their funds at the intended destination.
The payment initialization endpoint serves as a crucial access point for initiating domestic payment processes. In response to this endpoint, a redirect URL is generated, directing the user to the bank's authorization page.
On the bank's page, the user has the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the payment details required for the transfer and to confirm the payment. Once the payment is approved by the user, they will be redirected to the previously defined page, and the transaction data will be transmitted via a callback.
bankId required | string Example: alior Bank identifier the user will authorize consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) |
redirectUri required | string Example: The address of the page to which the user will be redirected after completing the data sharing authorization process |
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
amount required | string Example: 0.99 |
recipientAccountNumber | string Recipient Account Number in IBAN format. Value required if Recipient Account Number is not set up by Fizen config |
recipientNameAddress | string Example: Jan Kowalski ul. Zbiorcza 2 m45 90-300 Lodz Recipient Name & Address. Value required if Recipient Name Address is not set up by Fizen config. To handle Polish characters, URL encoding is necessary. |
senderAccountNumber | string Sender Account Number in IBAN format. Value required if Sender Account Number is not set up by Fizen config |
userId | string Example: 432532453425 The ID of the end user who agreed to provide access to the account information. ID generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN |
title | string Example: FV/1234/22 A transfer title. The title generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN. Transfer title length 5-80 signs ([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\s\.\:/]). To handle Polish characters, URL encoding is necessary. |
ip | string Example: End user IP address |
agent | string Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.96 Safari/537.36 A browser agent that identifies the end user browser and operating system |
curl --request GET \ --url '{bankId}/payment/initiate/{redirectUri}' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'amount: 0.99' \ --header 'recipientAccountNumber: PL12345678901234567890123456' \ --header 'recipientNameAddress: Jan Kowalski ul. Zbiorcza 2 m45 90-300 Lodz' \ --header 'userId: 123' \ --header 'title: FV/1234/22' \ --header 'ip:' \ --header 'agent: My Agent 1.0' \
{- "state": "44cbcvb6-f6c8-11ee-test-1bedccc3f6d2",
- "userId": "Fizen",
- "bankId": "mbank",
- "paymentStatus": "SUBMITTED",
- "amount": 0.99,
- "senderAccount": "PL49102028922276300500000000"
The "Get Payment Status" endpoint allows customers to check the status of their payments. When this endpoint is called, the system returns the current status of a specific payment, enabling users to track the progress and history of their transactions.
This functionality provides users with real-time access to the status of their payments, offering transparency and visibility into their financial transactions.
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
state required | string Example: ODY5MzQ4NWMyNjk4ZmYwMzE2ZjE0ZGEzYzMwYTE4Yzk3YTRkMDY4MV80M2E3 The value generated when starting the linking process for the particular bank interface to authorize consent to initiate payment |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'state: d2b75e70-c135-11ed-9018-4510c14d98vc' \
{- "userId": 432532453425,
- "bankId": "alior",
- "paymentStatus": "DONE",
- "amount": 0.99,
- "senderAccount": "PL44160084586221235245815289"
FIZEN's Future Date Domestic Payment Services are responsible for processing domestic payments with a future date. This specialized service operates in a manner similar to standard domestic payments but introduces the ability to schedule payments for specific dates in the future. It allows users to proactively set up payments in advance, ensuring that financial commitments are met precisely when needed. Future date domestic payments offer a valuable solution for planning and managing financial transactions within the same country or specific geographical region, granting users greater flexibility and control over their payment schedules. It's important to emphasize that this service remains distinct from international payments, focusing solely on domestic transactions and eliminating the complexities associated with cross-border transfers and currency conversion.
It's important to emphasize that this service allows for the cancellation of scheduled payments until the transfer is executed, providing users with complete control over their finances. This feature ensures that users have the flexibility to modify or cancel future date domestic payments as needed, offering peace of mind and adaptability in managing their financial commitments.
Additionally, it's worth noting that this service also provides users with the option to lock funds in their account, in which case the cancellation of a transfer may not be possible.
The "Initiate Future Date Payment" endpoint serves as a crucial access point for initiating future-dated payment processes. Upon calling this endpoint, a redirect URL is generated in response, directing the user to the bank's authorization page.
On the bank's page, users have the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the payment details required for the future-dated transfer and to confirm the payment. Once the payment is approved by the user, they will be redirected to the previously defined page, and the transaction data will be transmitted via a callback.
redirectUri required | string Example: A main url address the user will be redirected to once authorization is done |
bankId required | string Example: alior Bank identifier the user will authorize consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) |
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
amount required | string Example: 0.99 |
executionDate required | string <date-time> Example: 2025-02-10 Payment execution date |
recipientAccountNumber | string Recipient Account Number in IBAN format. Value required if Recipient Account Number is not set up by Fizen config. To handle Polish characters, URL encoding is necessary. |
recipientNameAddress | string Example: Jan Kowalski ul. Zbiorcza 2 m45 90-300 Lodz Recipient Name & Address. Value required if Recipient Name Address is not set up by Fizen config. To handle Polish characters, URL encoding is necessary. |
userId | string Example: 432532453425 The ID of the end user who agreed to provide access to the account information. ID generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN |
title | string Example: FV/1234/22 A transfer title. The title generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN. Transfer title length 5-80 signs ([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\s\.\:/]) |
ip | string Example: End user IP address |
agent | string Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.96 Safari/537.36 A browser agent that identifies the end user browser and operating system |
curl --request GET \ --url '{bankId}/payment/future/initiate/{redirectUri}' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'amount: 0.99' \ --header 'executionDate: 2024-08-16' \ --header 'recipientAccountNumber: PL12345678901234567890123456' \ --header 'recipientNameAddress: Jan Kowalski ul. Zbiorcza 2 m45 90-300 Lodz' \ --header 'userId: 123' \ --header 'title: FV/1234/22' \ --header 'ip:' \ --header 'agent: My Agent 1.0' \
{- "state": "44cbcvb6-f6c8-11ee-test-1bedccc3f6d2",
- "userId": "Fizen",
- "bankId": "mbank",
- "paymentStatus": "SUBMITTED",
- "amount": 0.99,
- "senderAccount": "PL49102028922276300500000000"
The "Get Future Date Payment Status" endpoint enables customers to check the status of their future-dated payments. Upon calling this endpoint, the system retrieves and returns the current status of a specific future-dated payment. This feature empowers users to monitor the status of their future-dated transactions in real-time.
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
state required | string Example: ODY5MzQ4NWMyNjk4ZmYwMzE2ZjE0ZGEzYzMwYTE4Yzk3YTRkMDY4MV80M2E3 The value generated when starting the linking process for the particular bank interface to authorize consent to initiate payment |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'state: d2b75e70-c135-11ed-9018-4510c14d98vc' \
{- "userId": 432532453425,
- "bankId": "alior",
- "paymentStatus": "DONE",
- "amount": 0.99,
- "senderAccount": "PL44160084586221235245815289"
The "Cancel Future Date Payment" endpoint allows users to cancel future-dated payments. Similar to the "Cancel Recurring Payment" process, this functionality generates a redirect URL in response, directing the user to the bank's authorization page.
On the bank's page, users have the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the cancel payment request details required for the transfer cancellation and to confirm the operation. Once the cancel payment request is approved by the user, they will be seamlessly redirected to the previously defined page, and the cancellation status data will be transmitted via a callback.
redirectUri required | string Example: A main url address the user will be redirected to once authorization is done |
bankId required | string Example: alior Bank identifier the user will authorize consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) |
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
state required | string Example: ODY5MzQ4NWMyNjk4ZmYwMzE2ZjE0ZGEzYzMwYTE4Yzk3YTRkMDY4MV80M2E3 The value generated when starting the linking process for the particular bank interface to authorize consent to initiate payment |
recipientAccountNumber | string Recipient Account Number in IBAN format. Value required if Recipient Account Number is not set up by Fizen config |
recipientNameAddress | string Example: Jan Kowalski ul. Zbiorcza 2 m45 90-300 Lodz Recipient Name & Address. Value required if Recipient Name Address is not set up by Fizen config |
userId | string Example: 432532453425 The ID of the end user who agreed to provide access to the account information. ID generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN |
title | string Example: FV/1234/22 A transfer title. The title generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN. Transfer title length 5-80 signs ([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\s\.\:/]) |
ip | string Example: End user IP address |
agent | string Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.96 Safari/537.36 A browser agent that identifies the end user browser and operating system |
curl --request GET \ --url '{bankId}/payment/cancel/initiate/{redirectUri}' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'state: ExAmPlEsTaTece1a4cb6-5e83-11ed-a320-856ce1faa777' \ --header 'ip:' \ --header 'agent: My Agent 1.0' \
{- "state": "44cbcvb6-f6c8-11ee-test-1bedccc3f6d2",
- "userId": "Fizen",
- "bankId": "mbank",
- "paymentStatus": "SUBMITTED",
- "amount": 0.99,
- "senderAccount": "PL49102028922276300500000000"
FIZEN's Express Domestic Payment Services are responsible for processing domestic payments with immediate delivery time. This specialized service operates similarly to standard domestic payments but with the added advantage of near-instantaneous transaction execution. Users can initiate and receive payments promptly, ensuring that funds are deposited directly into the recipient's account without delay, facilitating swift and efficient financial transactions.
The 'Express Payment Initialization' endpoint serves as a vital entry point for initiating express payment processes. Similar to the standard payment initialization endpoint, this endpoint generates a redirect URL in response, directing the user to the bank's authorization page.
On the bank's page, users have the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the payment details required for the transfer and confirm the payment swiftly. Once the user approves the payment, they will be seamlessly redirected to the previously defined page, and the transaction data will be transmitted via a callback.
bankId required | string Example: alior Bank identifier the user will authorize consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) |
redirectUri required | string Example: The address of the page to which the user will be redirected after completing the data sharing authorization process |
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
amount required | string Example: 0.99 |
recipientAccountNumber | string Recipient Account Number in IBAN format. Value required if Recipient Account Number is not set up by Fizen config |
recipientNameAddress | string Example: Jan Kowalski ul. Zbiorcza 2 m45 90-300 Lodz Recipient Name & Address. Value required if Recipient Name Address is not set up by Fizen config |
userId | string Example: 432532453425 The ID of the end user who agreed to provide access to the account information. ID generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN |
title | string Example: FV/1234/22 A transfer title. The title generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN. Transfer title length 5-80 signs ([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\s\.\:/]) |
ip | string Example: End user IP address |
agent | string Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.96 Safari/537.36 A browser agent that identifies the end user browser and operating system |
curl --request GET \ --url '{bankId}/payment/express/initiate/{redirectUri}' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'amount: 0.99' \ --header 'recipientAccountNumber: PL12345678901234567890123456' \ --header 'recipientNameAddress: Jan Kowalski ul. Zbiorcza 2 m45 90-300 Lodz' \ --header 'userId: 123' \ --header 'title: FV/1234/22' \ --header 'ip:' \ --header 'agent: My Agent 1.0' \
{- "state": "44cbcvb6-f6c8-11ee-test-1bedccc3f6d2",
- "userId": "Fizen",
- "bankId": "mbank",
- "paymentStatus": "SUBMITTED",
- "amount": 0.99,
- "senderAccount": "PL49102028922276300500000000"
FIZEN's Recurring Payment Services are responsible for processing payments on a recurring basis. This specialized service functions similarly to standard payments but offers the added convenience of automated, scheduled payments that occur at regular intervals, such as monthly or weekly.
Users can set up recurring payments to meet their financial commitments without manual intervention, ensuring that payments are made consistently and on time. This feature provides users with the flexibility to establish and manage recurring financial transactions, streamlining their financial obligations. It's worth noting that, like other payment which nas future execution date, recurring payments can also be canceled until the scheduled payment date, giving users full control over their recurring financial transactions and allowing for adjustments as needed.
The "Initiate Recurring Payment" endpoint streamlines the initiation of recurring payment processes. Upon calling this endpoint, a redirect URL is generated in response, directing the user to the bank's authorization page.
On the bank's page, users have the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the payment details required for the recurring transfer and to confirm the payment. Once the payment is approved by the user, they will be redirected to the previously defined page, and the transaction data will be transmitted via a callback.
redirectUri required | string Example: A main url address the user will be redirected to once authorization is done |
bankId required | string Example: alior Bank identifier the user will authorize consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) |
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
amount required | string Example: 0.99 |
recipientAccountNumber | string Example: PL12345678901234567890123456 Recipient Account Number in IBAN format. Value required if Recipient Account Number is not set up by Fizen config |
recipientNameAddress | string Example: Jan Kowalski ul. Zbiorcza 2 m45 90-300 Lodz Recipient Name & Address. Value required if Recipient Name Address is not set up by Fizen config |
period required | string Enum: "WEEK" "MONTH" "YEAR" Example: WEEK payment frequency |
startDate required | string <date-time> Example: 2024-02-10 Recurring payment start date |
endDate required | string <date-time> Example: 2025-02-10 Recurring payment end date |
userId | string Example: 432532453425 The ID of the end user who agreed to provide access to the account information. ID generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN |
title | string Example: FV/1234/22 A recurring payment title. The title generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN. Transfer title length 5-80 signs ([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\s\.\:/]) |
ip | string Example: End user IP address |
agent | string Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.96 Safari/537.36 A browser agent that identifies the end user browser and operating system |
curl --request GET \ --url '{bankId}/payment/recurring/initiate/{redirectUri}' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'amount: 0.99' \ --header 'recipientAccountNumber: PL12345678901234567890123456' \ --header 'recipientNameAddress: Jan Kowalski ul. Zbiorcza 2 m45 90-300 Lodz' \ --header 'period: WEEK' \ --header 'starteDate: 2024-02-10' \ --header 'endDate: 2025-02-10' \ --header 'userId: 123' \ --header 'title: FV/1234/22' \ --header 'ip:' \ --header 'agent: My Agent 1.0' \
{- "state": "44cbcvb6-f6c8-11ee-test-1bedccc3f6d2",
- "userId": "Fizen",
- "bankId": "mbank",
- "paymentStatus": "SUBMITTED",
- "amount": 0.99,
- "senderAccount": "PL49102028922276300500000000"
The "Get Recurring Payment Status" endpoint empowers users to inquire about the status of their recurring payments. Upon utilization of this endpoint, the system promptly retrieves and furnishes the current status of a specified recurring payment. This functionality provides users with real-time insights into the status of their recurring transactions.
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
state required | string Example: ODY5MzQ4NWMyNjk4ZmYwMzE2ZjE0ZGEzYzMwYTE4Yzk3YTRkMDY4MV80M2E3 The value generated when starting the linking process for the particular bank interface to authorize consent to initiate payment |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'state: d2b75e70-c135-11ed-9018-4510c14d98vc' \ --header 'ip:' \ --header 'agent: My Agent 1.0' \
{- "userId": 432532453425,
- "bankId": "alior",
- "paymentStatus": "DONE",
- "amount": 0.99,
- "senderAccount": "PL44160084586221235245815289"
The "Cancel Recurring Payment" endpoint allows users to cancel recurring payments. Upon calling this endpoint, a redirect URL is generated in response, directing the user to the bank's authorization page.
On the bank's page, users have the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the cancel payment request details required for the transfer cancellation and to confirm the operation. Once the cancel payment request is approved by the user, they will be redirected to the previously defined page, and the cancellation status data will be transmitted via a callback.
redirectUri required | string Example: A main url address the user will be redirected to once authorization is done |
bankId required | string Example: alior Bank identifier the user will authorize consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) |
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
amount required | string Example: 0.99 |
recipientAccountNumber | string Example: PL12345678901234567890123456 Recipient Account Number in IBAN format. Value required if Recipient Account Number is not set up by Fizen config |
recipientNameAddress | string Example: Jan Kowalski ul. Zbiorcza 2 m45 90-300 Lodz Recipient Name & Address. Value required if Recipient Name Address is not set up by Fizen config |
period required | string Enum: "WEEK" "MONTH" "YEAR" Example: WEEK payment frequency |
startDate required | string Example: 2024-02-10 Recurring payment start date |
endDate required | string <date-time> Example: 2025-02-10 Recurring payment end date |
userId | string Example: 432532453425 The ID of the end user who agreed to provide access to the account information. ID generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN |
title | string Example: FV/1234/22 A recurring payment title. The title generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN. Transfer title length 5-80 signs ([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\s\.\:/]) |
ip | string Example: End user IP address |
agent | string Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.96 Safari/537.36 A browser agent that identifies the end user browser and operating system |
curl --request GET \ --url '{bankId}/payment/recurring/cancel/initiate/{redirectUri}' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'state: ExAmPlEsTaTece1a4cb6-5e83-11ed-a320-856ce1faa777' \ --header 'ip:' \ --header 'agent: My Agent 1.0' \
{- "state": "44cbcvb6-f6c8-11ee-test-1bedccc3f6d2",
- "userId": "Fizen",
- "bankId": "mbank",
- "paymentStatus": "SUBMITTED",
- "amount": 0.99,
- "senderAccount": "PL49102028922276300500000000"
FIZEN's Bundle Payment Services are responsible for processing bundled payments. This specialized service operates similarly to standard payments but offers the added convenience of grouping multiple payments into a single, comprehensive transaction. Users can combine various payments into a bundle, streamlining their financial transactions and simplifying the management of multiple financial commitments. This feature allows for more efficient and organized payment processing.
Returns a redirect url that directs to the bank’s authorization page
redirectUri required | string Example: A main url address the user will be redirected to once authorization is done |
bankId required | string Example: alior Bank identifier the user will authorize consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) |
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
userId | string Example: 432532453425 The ID of the end user who agreed to provide access to the account information. ID generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN |
ip | string Example: End user IP address |
agent | string Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.96 Safari/537.36 A browser agent that identifies the end user browser and operating system |
amount | string Payment amount. Format: d+.d{2} |
accountNumber | string Recipient's account |
accountName | string Recipient's name |
accountAddress | string Recipient's address |
title | string Transfer title |
currency | string Transfer currency |
executionDate | string <date-time> Date of the execution transfer |
[- {
- "amount": 0.99,
- "accountNumber": "PL92124049371831347560745013",
- "accountName": "Company Name SA",
- "accountAddress": "Company Address",
- "title": "FV VAT 20/04/2023",
- "currency": "PLN",
- "executionDate": "2023-04-28"
[- {
- "amount": 0.99,
- "accountNumber": "PL92124049371831347560745013",
- "accountName": "Company Name SA",
- "accountAddress": "Company Address SA",
- "title": "FV VAT 20/04/2023",
- "currency": "PLN",
- "executionDate": "2023-04-28",
- "uuid": "28c77254-fafe-11ed-854a-d5c1496c6a3d"
{- "state": "44cbcvb6-f6c8-11ee-test-1bedccc3f6d2",
- "userId": "Fizen",
- "bankId": "mbank",
- "bundleStatus": "IN PROGRESS",
- "amount": 0.99,
- "payments": [
- {
- "amount": 0.99,
- "accountNumber": "PL92124049371831347560745013",
- "accountName": "Company Name SA",
- "accountAddress": "Company Addresss",
- "title": "FV VAT 20/04/2023",
- "currency": "PLN",
- "executionDate": "2023-04-28",
- "uuid": "28c77254-fafe-11ed-854a-d5c1496c6a3d",
- "paymentStatus": "SCHEDULED"
Return Bundle payment status
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
state required | string Example: ODY5MzQ4NWMyNjk4ZmYwMzE2ZjE0ZGEzYzMwYTE4Yzk3YTRkMDY4MV80M2E3 The value generated when starting the linking process for the particular bank interface to authorize consent to initiate payment |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'state: d2b75e70-c135-11ed-9018-4510c14d98vc' \
{- "userId": "Fizen",
- "bankId": "mbank",
- "bundleStatus": "IN PROGRESS",
- "amount": 0.99,
- "payments": [
- {
- "amount": 0.99,
- "accountNumber": "PL92124049371831347560745013",
- "accountName": "Company Name SA",
- "accountAddress": "Company Addresss",
- "title": "FV VAT 20/04/2023",
- "currency": "PLN",
- "executionDate": "2023-04-28",
- "uuid": "28c77254-fafe-11ed-854a-d5c1496c6a3d",
- "paymentStatus": "SCHEDULED"
FIZEN API for AIS, or Account Information Service, specifically caters to businesses, providing them with seamless access to information about their corporate payment accounts. This service enables businesses to effortlessly monitor the real-time status of their finances through various third-party applications.
AIS empowers corporate users to gain a comprehensive view of their financial transactions and balances, simplifying the management of their financial affairs and facilitating well-informed decision-making about their company's funds. This heightened level of accessibility proves particularly valuable for businesses, offering streamlined monitoring of multiple accounts and supporting efficient financial planning.
It's crucial to recognize that AIS serves as a vital component of PSD2 (Payment Services Directive 2), contributing to financial transparency within the corporate sector. By embracing AIS, businesses enhance their ability to leverage cutting-edge financial tools and services, fostering innovation and competitiveness in the financial landscape.
The process of gaining access to the user's account begins with the generation of redirect URL to the bank's interface, where the user can grant consent for access to their account information. After successfully completing the bank's process the user will be redirected to the specified redirect URL,and a callback with the relevant data will be sent. Endpoint dedicated for company bank accounts.
redirectUri required | string Example: The address of the page to which the user will be redirected after completing the data sharing authorization process |
bankId required | string Example: alior Bank identifier the user will authorize consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) |
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
userId | string Example: 432532453425 The ID of the end user who agreed to provide access to the account information. ID generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN. |
ip | string Example: End user IP address |
agent | string Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.96 Safari/537.36 A browser agent that identifies the end user browser and operating system. |
limitedScope required | boolean Example: true Value informs whether access to the account will be limited to basic data. |
curl --request GET \ --url '{bankId}-company/initiate/{redirectUri}' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'userId: 123' \ --header 'ip:' \ --header 'agent: My Agent 1.0' \ --header 'limitedScope: true' \
{- "state": "44cbcvb6-f6c8-11ee-test-1bedccc3f6d2",
- "userId": "Fizen",
- "bankId": "mbank",
- "accounts": [
- {
- "accountId": "TDBrRUhnT1cASDASD23423432443243254534534lcjUDASDASDasdsdadaRTMk10NVI3b25UUQ=="
}, - {
- "accountId": "c2xYNVhldWpVUUdtbS9INW53c2k0M2FSDADSDAFApc2pVVmZUQ2k1WXRCd1pKVFg0TWl1bFBncQ=="
This endpoint allows obtaining detailed information about the user's account for which they have previously granted consent, including information such as account owner, account number, account currency, available account balance, and account description. Endpoint dedicated for company bank accounts.
accountId required | string Example: VmhJQ0lKSHBKcEJ4TXByNHE2U3BKMG1SU3JXYStFVXBISDdCQUhLaHJXcz0= The bank account ID to which the end user has consented to provide access to the account information. One of the values necessary to query information about an account |
bankId required | string Example: alior Bank identifier the user will authorize consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) |
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
state required | string Example: d2b75e70-c735-13ed-9018-4510c14d98bc The value generated when starting the linking process for the particular bank interface to authorize consent to retrieve the account information (AIS service) |
curl --request GET \ --url '{bankId}-company/account/{accountId}' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'state: d2b75e70-c135-11ed-9018-4510c14d98vc' \
- "userId": 432532453425,
- "details": {
- "nameAddress": "Jan Kowalski, ul. Malinowa 12, Warszawa",
- "accountNumber": "PL47105000282100002303150001",
- "currency": "PL",
- "availableBalance": "11012.34",
- "bookingBalance": "15112.34",
- "accountDescription": "current account",
- "accountId": "ExampleAccountIIVzdweGpkUS95OTNnOTdxMXZrOEk0QjUwOU1tU2iMA=="
This endpoint enables access to the transaction history for a specific account number for which consent has been obtained previously. Endpoint dedicated for company bank accounts.
accountId required | string Example: VmhJQ0lKSHBKcEJ4TXByNHE2U3BKMG1SU3JXYStFVXBISDdCQUhLaHJXcz0= The bank account ID to which the end user has consented to provide access to the account information. One of the values necessary to query information about an account |
bankId required | string Example: alior Bank identifier the user will authorize consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) |
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
state required | string Example: d2b75e70-c735-13ed-9018-4510c14d98bc The value generated when starting the linking process for the particular bank interface to authorize consent to retrieve the account information (AIS service) |
curl --request GET \ --url '{bankId}-company/account/{accountId}/transactions' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'state: d2b75e70-c135-11ed-9018-4510c14d98vc' \
- "userId": 432532453425,
- "transactions": [
- {
- "id": "Credit card technical account",
- "description": "Payment for order number 3456",
- "status": "DONE",
- "category": "CREDIT",
- "type": "TRANSFER",
- "amount": "0.99",
- "tradeDate": "2025-01-17",
- "currency": "EUR",
- "sender": {
- "accountNumber": "PL47105000282100002303150001",
- "nameAddress": "John Werner, Berliner street 12, London"
}, - "recipient": {
- "accountNumber": "PL47105000282100002303150001",
- "nameAddress": "John Werner, Berliner street 12, London"
This service provides a transparent way to access the user's identity by leveraging the granted consent for account access. It provides a field containing crucial information, such as the user's name and address, for precise user identification. Endpoint dedicated for company bank accounts.
accountId required | string Example: VmhJQ0lKSHBKcEJ4TXByNHE2U3BKMG1SU3JXYStFVXBISDdCQUhLaHJXcz0= The bank account ID to which the end user has consented to provide access to the account information. One of the values necessary to query information about an account |
bankId required | string Example: alior Bank identifier the user will authorize consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) |
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
state required | string Example: d2b75e70-c735-13ed-9018-4510c14d98bc The value generated when starting the linking process for the particular bank interface to authorize consent to retrieve the account information (AIS service) |
curl --request GET \ --url '{bankId}-company/kyc/{accountId}' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'state: d2b75e70-c135-11ed-9018-4510c14d98vc' \
- "userId": 432532453425,
- "nameAddress": "Agata Nowak ul. Astrów 12/1 40-748 Katowice"
FIZEN's Domestic Payment Services play a crucial role in the seamless processing of payments within a specific country or geographical region.
In this context, a domestic payment involves the transfer of funds from one bank account to another within the same country, typically utilizing the local currency. These payments serve a myriad of business purposes, including settling invoices, facilitating business-to-business transactions, managing payroll, and handling other financial obligations within the same country or region.
In the corporate context, domestic payments play a vital role in ensuring the smooth flow of financial operations. This includes timely payment of suppliers and service providers, enabling seamless transactions between business entities, and maintaining financial stability within the local business environment.
It's crucial to recognize that domestic payments for business accounts are integral to maintaining strong financial relationships and supporting the overall financial health of the company. This functionality is especially beneficial for businesses engaged in various sectors, contributing to the efficient management of financial resources and fostering a robust financial infrastructure.
Payments initiated and approved by users through their banking service hold an irrevocable status. This means that once a user authorizes a transaction, it will be executed as scheduled, and cancellations are not permitted. This commitment ensures the successful delivery of payments, contributing to the reliability and trustworthiness of the domestic payment service. Users can have confidence that their funds will reach the intended destination securely and on time, reinforcing the dependability of the overall payment process.
The payment initialization endpoint is a pivotal access point for businesses looking to initiate domestic payment processes seamlessly. In response to this endpoint, a redirect URL is generated, guiding the business user to the bank's authorization page.
On the bank's authorization page, the business user gains the opportunity to meticulously verify the accuracy of the payment details necessary for the transfer and subsequently confirm the payment. Once the user approves the payment, they are redirected to the previously defined page, and the transaction data is transmitted seamlessly via a callback.
This process ensures that businesses can securely and efficiently initiate and verify domestic payments, maintaining a robust and reliable payment initiation workflow for their corporate accounts.
When making a payment, you have the option to perform a split payment.
The split payment mechanism is a payment system in which the amount of VAT, which is separated from the gross amount due to the seller, is transferred to a separate bank account, called a VAT account, to which the seller has limited access.
To successfully initiate a split payment, you must provide all four parameters:
, spTaxIdentificationNumber
, spTaxAmount
, spDescription
If at least one of these parameters is provided but others are missing, the split payment request will be rejected.
bankId required | string Example: alior Bank identifier the user will authorize consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) |
redirectUri required | string Example: The address of the page to which the user will be redirected after completing the data sharing authorization process |
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
amount required | string Example: 0.99 |
recipientAccountNumber | string Recipient Account Number in IBAN format. Value required if Recipient Account Number is not set up by Fizen config |
recipientNameAddress | string Example: Jan Kowalski ul. Zbiorcza 2 m45 90-300 Lodz Recipient Name & Address. Value required if Recipient Name Address is not set up by Fizen config. To handle Polish characters, URL encoding is necessary. |
spInvoiceNumber | string Example: INV001/2023/24 Payment Invoice Number (Required for split payment mechanism) |
spTaxIdentificationNumber | string Example: 3788796687 Tax Identification Number (NIP) (Required for split payment mechanism) |
spTaxAmount | string Example: 460 Amount of VAT tax (Required for split payment mechanism) |
spDescription | string Example: VAT for January services A brief description of the payment (Required for split payment mechanism) |
senderAccountNumber | string Sender Account Number in IBAN format. Value required if Sender Account Number is not set up by Fizen config |
userId | string Example: 432532453425 The ID of the end user who agreed to provide access to the account information. ID generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN |
title | string Example: FV/1234/22 A transfer title. The title generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN. Transfer title length 5-80 signs ([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\s\.\:/]). To handle Polish characters, URL encoding is necessary. |
ip | string Example: End user IP address |
agent | string Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.96 Safari/537.36 A browser agent that identifies the end user browser and operating system |
curl --request GET \ --url '{bankId}-company/payment/initiate/{redirectUri}' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'amount: 0.99' \ --header 'recipientAccountNumber: PL12345678901234567890123456' \ --header 'recipientNameAddress: Jan Kowalski ul. Zbiorcza 2 m45 90-300 Lodz' \ --header 'userId: 123' \ --header 'title: FV/1234/22' \ --header 'ip:' \ --header 'agent: My Agent 1.0' \ --header 'spInvoiceNumber: INV001/2023/24' \ --header 'spTaxIdentificationNumber: 7242354073' \ --header 'spTaxAmount: 23.00' \ --header 'spDescription: VAT for January services'
{- "state": "44cbcvb6-f6c8-11ee-test-1bedccc3f6d2",
- "userId": "Fizen",
- "bankId": "mbank",
- "paymentStatus": "SUBMITTED",
- "amount": 0.99,
- "senderAccount": "PL49102028922276300500000000"
The "Get Payment Status" endpoint empowers business account holders to seamlessly check the status of their payments. When this endpoint is invoked, the system promptly returns the current status of a specific payment, allowing business users to meticulously track the progress and history of their transactions.
This specialized functionality offers business account holders real-time access to the status of their payments, providing a level of transparency and visibility critical for managing financial transactions efficiently. By leveraging this endpoint, businesses can ensure that they stay well-informed about the payment lifecycle, facilitating effective financial monitoring and decision-making within the context of their corporate accounts.
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
state required | string Example: ODY5MzQ4NWMyNjk4ZmYwMzE2ZjE0ZGEzYzMwYTE4Yzk3YTRkMDY4MV80M2E3 The value generated when starting the linking process for the particular bank interface to authorize consent to initiate payment |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'state: d2b75e70-c135-11ed-9018-4510c14d98vc' \
{- "userId": 432532453425,
- "bankId": "alior",
- "paymentStatus": "DONE",
- "amount": 0.99,
- "senderAccount": "PL44160084586221235245815289"
FIZEN's Recurring Payment Services specialize in processing payments on a recurring basis, catering to both individual and business needs. This dedicated service operates similarly to standard payments but offers the added convenience of automated, scheduled payments that occur at regular intervals, such as monthly or weekly.
Businesses, in particular, benefit from the capability to establish recurring payments, allowing them to meet ongoing financial commitments without manual intervention. This ensures that payments are made consistently and punctually, contributing to the smooth operation of financial processes.
This feature provides users, including businesses with corporate accounts, the flexibility to set up and manage recurring financial transactions, streamlining their financial obligations efficiently. Recurring payments can be canceled until the scheduled payment date. This flexibility gives users, especially businesses, full control over their recurring financial transactions, allowing for adjustments as needed. This adaptability is crucial for businesses managing recurring expenses associated with their corporate accounts.
The "Initiate Recurring Payment" endpoint streamlines the initiation of recurring payment processes.Endpoint dedicated for company bank accounts. Upon calling this endpoint, a redirect URL is generated in response, directing the user to the bank's authorization page.
On the bank's page, users have the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the payment details required for the recurring transfer and to confirm the payment. Once the payment is approved by the user, they will be redirected to the previously defined page, and the transaction data will be transmitted via a callback.
redirectUri required | string Example: A main url address the user will be redirected to once authorization is done |
bankId required | string Example: alior Bank identifier the user will authorize consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) |
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
amount required | string Example: 0.99 |
recipientAccountNumber | string Example: PL12345678901234567890123456 Recipient Account Number in IBAN format. Value required if Recipient Account Number is not set up by Fizen config |
recipientNameAddress | string Example: Jan Kowalski ul. Zbiorcza 2 m45 90-300 Lodz Recipient Name & Address. Value required if Recipient Name Address is not set up by Fizen config |
period required | string Enum: "WEEK" "MONTH" "YEAR" Example: WEEK payment frequency |
startDate required | string <date-time> Example: 2024-02-10 Recurring payment start date |
endDate required | string <date-time> Example: 2025-02-10 Recurring payment end date |
userId | string Example: 432532453425 The ID of the end user who agreed to provide access to the account information. ID generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN |
title | string Example: FV/1234/22 A recurring payment title. The title generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN. Transfer title length 5-80 signs ([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\s\.\:/]) |
ip | string Example: End user IP address |
agent | string Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.96 Safari/537.36 A browser agent that identifies the end user browser and operating system |
curl --request GET \ --url '{bankId}-company/payment/recurring/initiate/{redirectUri}' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'amount: 0.99' \ --header 'recipientAccountNumber: PL12345678901234567890123456' \ --header 'recipientNameAddress: Jan Kowalski ul. Zbiorcza 2 m45 90-300 Lodz' \ --header 'period: WEEK' \ --header 'starteDate: 2024-02-10' \ --header 'endDate: 2025-02-10' \ --header 'userId: 123' \ --header 'title: FV/1234/22' \ --header 'ip:' \ --header 'agent: My Agent 1.0' \
{- "state": "44cbcvb6-f6c8-11ee-test-1bedccc3f6d2",
- "userId": "Fizen",
- "bankId": "mbank",
- "paymentStatus": "SUBMITTED",
- "amount": 0.99,
- "senderAccount": "PL49102028922276300500000000"
The "Get Recurring Payment Status" endpoint empowers business users to efficiently inquire about the status of their recurring payments. Upon utilizing this endpoint, the system promptly retrieves and furnishes the current status of a specified recurring payment, providing business users with real-time insights into the status of their recurring transactions.
This functionality is particularly valuable for companies managing recurring financial commitments, allowing them to stay informed and in control of their ongoing transactions. The seamless access to real-time recurring payment status enhances financial transparency and supports effective decision-making within the corporate context.
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
state required | string Example: ODY5MzQ4NWMyNjk4ZmYwMzE2ZjE0ZGEzYzMwYTE4Yzk3YTRkMDY4MV80M2E3 The value generated when starting the linking process for the particular bank interface to authorize consent to initiate payment |
curl --request GET \ --url '' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'state: d2b75e70-c135-11ed-9018-4510c14d98vc' \ --header 'ip:' \ --header 'agent: My Agent 1.0' \
{- "userId": 432532453425,
- "bankId": "alior",
- "paymentStatus": "DONE",
- "amount": 0.99,
- "senderAccount": "PL44160084586221235245815289"
The "Cancel Recurring Payment" endpoint allows users to cancel recurring payments. Upon calling this endpoint, a redirect URL is generated in response, directing the user to the bank's authorization page.
On the bank's page, users have the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the cancel payment request details required for the transfer cancellation and to confirm the operation. Once the cancel payment request is approved by the user, they will be redirected to the previously defined page, and the cancellation status data will be transmitted via a callback.
redirectUri required | string Example: A main url address the user will be redirected to once authorization is done |
bankId required | string Example: alior Bank identifier the user will authorize consent for Account Information Service (AIS) and Payment Initiation Services (PIS) |
apiKey required | string Example: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000 Individual API key assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
token required | string Example: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961== Individual token assigned by FIZEN enabling connection with FIZEN API |
amount required | string Example: 0.99 |
recipientAccountNumber | string Example: PL12345678901234567890123456 Recipient Account Number in IBAN format. Value required if Recipient Account Number is not set up by Fizen config |
recipientNameAddress | string Example: Jan Kowalski ul. Zbiorcza 2 m45 90-300 Lodz Recipient Name & Address. Value required if Recipient Name Address is not set up by Fizen config |
period required | string Enum: "WEEK" "MONTH" "YEAR" Example: WEEK payment frequency |
startDate required | string Example: 2024-02-10 Recurring payment start date |
endDate required | string <date-time> Example: 2025-02-10 Recurring payment end date |
userId | string Example: 432532453425 The ID of the end user who agreed to provide access to the account information. ID generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN |
title | string Example: FV/1234/22 A recurring payment title. The title generated on the client's side and passed to API FIZEN. Transfer title length 5-80 signs ([a-zA-Z0-9\_\-\s\.\:/]) |
ip | string Example: End user IP address |
agent | string Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/72.0.3626.96 Safari/537.36 A browser agent that identifies the end user browser and operating system |
curl --request GET \ --url '{bankId}-company/payment/recurring/cancel/initiate/{redirectUri}' \ --header 'apiKey: 9693455a2698ff0316f14da3c30a18c97a4d0000' \ --header 'token: ZzFkMDd4ZTM5MDUxMjI0ZTdmZjhjZTFkZjIxZGZiMWQ0OTZlYzc961==' \ --header 'state: ExAmPlEsTaTece1a4cb6-5e83-11ed-a320-856ce1faa777' \ --header 'ip:' \ --header 'agent: My Agent 1.0' \
{- "state": "44cbcvb6-f6c8-11ee-test-1bedccc3f6d2",
- "userId": "Fizen",
- "bankId": "mbank",
- "paymentStatus": "SUBMITTED",
- "amount": 0.99,
- "senderAccount": "PL49102028922276300500000000"